PleaseReview Veeva Vault Centric: Professional Courses

PleaseReview - Closing and Completing a Veeva Vault Centric Review – Professional

Focusing on the process to close and complete a Veeva Vault centric review at the end of the review cycle, this course is a must for all PleaseReview Authors using PleaseReview integrated with Veeva Vault.

Topics include the options available to accept and close comments and proposed changes in a review, how to check in and download the final round-tripped documents at the end of a review. 

Unless instructed otherwise, click anywhere to progress through the course. You MUST pass all "try its" and quizzes to complete the course. 
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Course content

  • Lesson Managing Comments and Changes
    • Accepting and Closing Comments and Changes
    • Arbitrating Changes
    • Try It - Managing Comments and Changes
    • Quiz - Managing Comments and Changes